Gestational Carrier or Surrogacy Infographics

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The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is committed to providing patients with the highest quality information about reproductive care.

Gestational Carrier or Surrogacy

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SART Fertility Experts - Gestational Carrier and Intended Parents

Some fertility patients are unable to carry a pregnancy to term. 
Listen to the Episode
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What do I need to know about Turner syndrome and having children?

Turner syndrome (TS) is an infrequent genetic disorder in females. View the fact sheet
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SART Fertility Experts - Gestational Carriers

What’s the difference between a surrogate and a gestational carrier?   Listen to the Episode
Videos Icon

What Is A Gestational Carrier & Who Needs One?

This SART micro-video will explain the aspects of using a gestational carrier including selection, screening, and indications. Watch Video
Patient Ed Icon

Third-Party Reproduction

The phrase “third-party reproduction” refers to involving someone other than the individual or couple that plans to raise the child (intended parent[s]) in the process of reproduction. View the Booklet
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Lis Regula's Story

My name is Lis (pronounced like “Lease”) and this is the fertility story of a trans man and two time surrogate. Read the story
Infographic Icon

Gestational Carrier or Surrogacy Infographics

ASRM has prepared infographics to illustrate the subject of Gestational Carriers or Surrogacy better. View the infographics

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