Your trusted source for accurate and up-to-date information on reproductive health, fertility, contraception, and pregnancy. Explore our comprehensive resources to make informed decisions about your reproductive journey.
Fertility in the News
Nation’s Leading Professional Group for Fertility Care Professionals Calls for Passage of Right to IVF Act
ASRM applauds Majority Leader Schumer’s decision to seek reconsideration of the Right to IVF Act.
Trump Calls for IVF Coverage, California Legislature Sends IVF Mandate Bill to Governor
The California General Assembly approved a bill mandating most private health insurance plans to provide coverage for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
Patient Story
I spent seven years navigating infertility, which was tumultuous but also a period of tremendous personal growth in hindsight. We were eager to start a family after marrying; we became pregnant naturally and miscarried twice. I was distraught and proactively sought out a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist (REI). Diagnostic testing revealed that I had diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), the medical term for a low egg count.
protecting assisted reproduction
ASRM works tirelessly to protect your reproductive rights and those of your doctor to bring you the best possible care. From publishing whitepapers, drafting letters to state governments, visiting officials on Capitol Hill, and raising money to lobby for insurance to pay for infertility treatment, ASRM is busy working for you!
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