Your trusted source for accurate and up-to-date information on reproductive health, fertility, contraception, and pregnancy. Explore our comprehensive resources to make informed decisions about your reproductive journey.

Fertility in the News

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Nation’s Leading Professional Group for Fertility Care Professionals Calls for Passage of Right to IVF Act

ASRM applauds Majority Leader Schumer’s decision to seek reconsideration of the Right to IVF Act.

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Trump Calls for IVF Coverage, California Legislature Sends IVF Mandate Bill to Governor

The California General Assembly approved a bill mandating most private health insurance plans to provide coverage for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). 

Patient Story


I spent seven years navigating infertility, which was tumultuous but also a period of tremendous personal growth in hindsight. We were eager to start a family after marrying; we became pregnant naturally and miscarried twice.  I was distraught and proactively sought out a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist (REI).  Diagnostic testing revealed that I had diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), the medical term for a low egg count.

Kristen Richie's family
US Capitol Building

protecting assisted reproduction

ASRM works tirelessly to protect your reproductive rights and those of your doctor to bring you the best possible care. From publishing whitepapers, drafting letters to state governments, visiting officials on Capitol Hill, and raising money to lobby for insurance to pay for infertility treatment, ASRM is busy working for you!

Reproductive Rights and You State and Territory INFERTILITY INSURANCE LAWS

Meeting You on Your Journey

If you're considering your first visit to a fertility specialist or have questions about your reproductive health, are currently on your journey, or have gone down this road in the past, we're here to meet you with relevant, timely, credible content.
Doctor explaining to young man what testing is needed for male factor infertility


When there's a male issue preventing a pregnancy from happening, possibly because he can't release sperm properly or he doesn't have enough.

Read more about male-factor infertility
Young woman searching ReproductiveFacts.org for infertility information


Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common hormone disorder that affects 5-10% of women.

Read the fact sheet on PCOS
Couple review Reproductive Facts patient videos for fertility information


IVF is a method of assisted reproduction that involves combining an egg with sperm in a laboratory dish.

Read more about IVF
Couple review Reproductive Facts FAQ for information


An office procedure in which prepared sperm are placed into the uterus.


Learn more about Intrauterine insemination

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Connect with reproductive medicine experts who will guide you through your unique journey. Our search tool allows personalized matches based on location, specialization, and expertise. Take control of your reproductive health with compassionate providers, innovative treatments, and unwavering support. Search for an ASRM expert
Reproductive medicine doctor eager to help a patient

Resources For You

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is committed to providing patients with the highest quality information about reproductive care.
Young woman subscribing to ASRM updates on reproductive medicine

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Send us your contact information so we can let you know about helpful webinars, podcasts, and other educational opportunities.


Stay Informed

Reproductivefacts.org and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine are committed to providing patients trustworthy, credible, and innovative solutions and information to build your family. Keep us with you on your journey for insight, information, and shared experiences.
SART Fertility Experts podcast logo

SART Fertility Experts Podcast

An educational project of ASRM's affiliated society, the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), this series is designed to provide up to date information about a variety of topics related to fertility testing and treatment such as IVF.

Listen to an Episode
Patient Factsheet teaser

Fact Sheets and Infographics

ASRM produces a series of fact sheets and booklets on various topics related to infertility, reproductive health, and family planning. The fact sheets and booklets are available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Read our Fact Sheets
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Fertility in the News

ASRM Press Releases and Bulletins are published by ASRM's Office of Public Affairs to inform the world about important happenings in reproductive medicine and at ASRM.

Read About Fertility in the News
Family with toddler

Founded on Research and Education

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine has had a long and distinguished history, contributing to reproductive medicine for over 70 years. Remarkable breakthroughs in infertility, assisted reproductive technologies (IVF), menopause, contraception and women’s health have dramatically improved care and continue to improve the lives of countless people worldwide.

ASRM is a 501(C)(3) Charitable Organization
EIN: 04-2284338
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